WDP has announced that it has been successful in its bid to deliver an Individual and Placement (IPS) service in Islington for residents with substance misuse needs.
This is in addition to WDP’s existing West London Alliance contract in nine West London boroughs.
The IPS Into Work service will provide high-quality employment support to residents of Islington, who have substance misuse needs, to support them into paid and sustainable employment.
Since early 2019, WDP’s award-winning IPS Into Work service has focused on achieving sustainable employment to help reduce stigma, enrich lives, boost local economies, develop additional talents, and create workforces that reflect the diversity of their local communities.
The IPS Into Work service in Islington will have a dedicated and focused team that will build people’s skills through training and work experience in an inclusive and supportive environment. Working in collaboration with commissioners and services in the borough, the service will comprise three distinct IPS components: Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG); Individual Placement Support (IPS) and Active Volunteering.

Lisa Luhman, Commissioning Manager for Public Health, said: “Islington are excited about the development of the new employment support service, and believe the service will achieve great outcomes for some of our most vulnerable residents”.
Paul Anders, IPS Programme Manager for Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, added: “We’ve already seen the difference that finding work via IPS is making to people around the country. We’re delighted that WDP is able to expand its provision in London – this will create great new opportunities for Islington residents.”
Craig Middleton, WDP’s Executive Director of Services, also said: “We are excited that we will be able to offer our amazing IPS service to individuals in Islington. Working with a range of partners and stakeholders, this will allow people to realise their ambitions and aspirations to gain volunteering, training and paid employment based on their preferences.”
Read the full blog post here.
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This content was created by WDP