Turning Point chief operating officer Clare Taylor responds to figures, released by ONS this week, which show that alcohol-specific deaths have risen to the highest on record.

It is saddening to see the figures released by ONS [on 22 April 2024] which show that alcohol deaths have risen in 2022 to 10,048, the highest on record. Behind every number is a person, and our thoughts go out to anyone who has lost someone from alcohol use.
Increasing awareness of safe drinking levels and the long-term harms of alcohol use has a key role to play in reducing further harm from alcohol.
In the wake of the 10-year drug strategy, government investment has enabled the sector to increase the number of treatment places and to strengthen the workforce and we are beginning to see a rise in the number of people accessing support for alcohol use, which is positive. Despite this, over a decade of austerity has taken its toll and so it is important that the government remains committed towards building up skills and capacity in the sector.
Efforts to reduce alcohol related harm should be national policy priority and government should put in place a cross-departmental strategy to reduce alcohol related harm. Lack of a national vision has led to uneven and uncoordinated response to public health and alcohol use when there needs to be an integrated, cross-cutting plan.
This blog was originally published by Turning Point. You can read the original post here.
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This content was created by Turning Point
Related article:
(News, April 2024): UK alcohol deaths at highest ever level