Why New Year’s resolutions aren’t always a good idea.
The New Year tends to be a time of reflection and re-evaluation for many of us. The start of the new year represents fresh starts and new possibilities – a time for change. New Years Resolutions offer us an opportunity to reset and start over. Setting resolutions is a custom or tradition that has been around for many years, whereby we commit to making some longed for changes, usually based on self-improvement.
Research has found that 80% of New Years Resolutions fail. We tend to make resolutions based on what we want to improve. For example “I want to get fit and healthy”, and riding the initial wave of enthusiasm, take out a gym membership and go a few times before dropping out altogether.
This is because often our resolutions are either too ambitious or too vague. Going to the gym regularly may be too ambitious if we haven’t been inside one for 5 years and our daily exercise consists of walking to the kitchen. It is difficult to be consistent if our sights are set too high, we then end up setting ourselves up for failure and feeling deflated as a result.
Read the full article here.
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This article first appeared on Turning Point’s blog.