The power of persistence

Working with hard-to-reach populations like vulnerable women means taking the time to properly build trust

Blackburn with Darwen, located in East Lancashire, is a diverse and vibrant borough known for its industrial heritage and strong community spirit. Nestled amidst scenic countryside, the town is home to historic landmarks and an impressive network of parks and green spaces.

However, similar to neigh­bour­ing towns in the north west of England, the town faces issues around substance use and the challenge of encouraging women to access support. That’s why women’s support services from Spark are so important.

Spark is a trusted substance misuse service, providing confidential alcohol and drug services on behalf of Blackburn with Darwen Council. Regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Spark provides effective treatments and teaches strate­gies for long-lasting change, with the aim of improving physical and mental health as well as increasing self-worth and the ability to start rebuilding supp­ortive and positive relationships.

vulnerable women
Zoe Brindle builds trust through her weekly outreach service, providing Blackburn’s sex workers with supplies needed to reduce harm and stay safe

Understanding that anyone can be affected by addiction, Spark supports people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures, including children, young people, families and hard to reach groups. And as the town has seen an increase in assaults against vulnerable women, its women’s services have never been more vital.

Recovery practitioner Zoe Brindle has worked at Spark for three years. She works hard helping women who struggle to organise their own lives, providing a vital lifeline for those with chaotic lifestyles.

Acknowledging that not every­one chooses to go to rehab or detox, Zoe helps women reduce harm and live safer life­styles. She does this through organising and attending medical appoint­ments and health screenings, and working closely with the women to ensure they have the supplies they need to minimise risk. This can include BBV testing, pregnancy testing and signposting to other services. ‘It’s quite like hand holding,’ she says. ‘I don’t focus on drugs and alcohol recovery, I focus on getting medication sorted, wounds sorted, attending appointments.’

As many vulnerable women don’t actively engage with services, Zoe builds trust through her weekly outreach service. Every Wednesday, she heads into Blackburn to provide the town’s sex workers with supplies needed to reduce harm and stay safe. ‘We start by giving them clean equipment and condoms, and from there we get chatting and that’s when I can help them with whatever they need,’ she says.

The Spark outreach van is packed full of essentials many of the women need, but often can’t buy for themselves. From condoms and wipes to vitamins, panic alarms and naloxone, Zoe hands out the daily essentials needed to help active users. Also in her van are two drawers of snacks – a favourite among many of the women. ‘Many of them don’t have people who care about them, that’s why I let them know they can ring me anytime – I’d rather them have someone than no one.’

During the three years she’s been working in her role, Zoe has seen an increase in violence towards vulnerable women. To combat this growing issue, she frequently works with the dedicated RASSO (rape and serious sexual offences) team in Lancashire Police to help keep women safe.

‘Many women won’t go to line-ups on their own without professional support – that’s why it’s important to provide a support service and organise appointments for them,’ she states. ‘There are a lot of pre-trial appointments, but it’s essential to assist them through the process to get the best result in the end. It will ensure more dangerous men are kept off the streets from harming more women in future.’

‘Women who struggle with social issues don’t want to repeat their story. They want one person who can be a confidante.’ LOUISE MARSDENHEALTHIER FUTURES
Vulnerable women often face intergenerational cycles of poverty and addiction, starting at birth. Specialist substance use midwife Louise Marsden has been in her role – which is dual commissioned by East Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and Spark – for the last 13 months, using her previous experience as a midwife and nurse to support women in creating pathways towards a healthier future for themselves and their babies. ‘Having a baby is a good time in people’s life to make the changes,’ she says. ‘It gives people a reason to seek help.’

Louise provides compre­hensive education on the effects of substances like alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, and prescription drugs on pregnancy and newborns – including miscarriage, preterm birth, and sudden infant death syndrome. She also discusses critical topics such as safe sleeping, the impact of substance withdrawal on babies, and the likelihood of hospital stays for neonatal monitoring.

‘Once women are referred to us, we try to get as much information as possible and provide holistic care,’ she says. ‘Women who struggle with social issues don’t want to repeat their story. They want one person who can be a confidante. I get to know them inside out and that’s mutually beneficial. The trust allows us to help more. They need to know what is available and how to access that support.’

Louise recalls one particularly moving case of a young woman born into substance misuse who lived in foster care for many years. After four previous pregnancies were removed from her care, she decided to engage with services following her mother’s passing.

Despite homelessness and significant personal challenges, Louise and recovery practitioner Katie Newman supported the 25-year-old through housing, prenatal care, and delivery. The courts recognised the woman’s commitment and allowed her to retain custody of her baby. ‘The bonding she has with her baby and confidence to be a parent is really rewarding to see,’ says Louise.

The Power of Persistence - vulnerable women feature
Spark’s dedicated women’s recovery group provides safe spaces for women to connect each week. This month, as part of International Women’s Day, Spark will be celebrating women and raising aware­ness of women’s rights

Louise and Katie work closely together to help provide the best outcome for women seeking substance use support during pregnancy. While Louise focuses on pregnancy support, Katie concentrates on creating a recovery pathway – including signposting and supporting women into rehab, detox and future services.

‘This work requires patience, compassion, and a non-judgmental approach,’  says Louise. ‘When women are ready to engage, the transformations are incredible. The rewarding part is seeing how people grow. When people see that women can change with opportunity and have the tools and opportunities, that’s rewarding too.’

Spark is a recovery collaborative, providing a wide range of support across Blackburn with Darwen through partner groups and local community venues. Each of the recovery partners offers specialist care, ensuring people receive the support they need for every step of their recovery journey.

Despite the progress, challenges persist. Limited housing options for women and the rising use of substances like ketamine among younger populations emphasise the ongoing need for services like Spark.

Spark’s work in Blackburn is a testament to the power of persistence, empathy, and collaboration. For women facing substance use issues, services like Spark provide a lifeline, offering hope and a path toward a healthier future for themselves – and their babies.

Spark recovery servicesEmma Marsden is senior communications officer at Spark

To support or access Spark recovery services, please visit

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