FDAP has been refurbished and offers much in the way of professional support, says Kate Halliday.
Read the full article in DDN Magazine

When the Federation of Drug and Alcohol Professionals (FDAP) was taken over by SMMGP in 2017 we worked hard to ensure a smooth and immediate transition for all FDAP members, and this meant continuing the existing systems of membership and registration.
Moving is chaos and once the dust had settled we were able to see what needed refurbishing. The process of registration for FDAP members was ‘old school’ in that a form had to be downloaded, printed, completed, and posted, together with a cheque.
The SMMGP website was also being renewed so it made sense to bring the FDAP information into a new combined website, launched in January 2019. FDAP membership applications – including payment – can now all be done online, contributing to a big jump in membership this year.
Why become a FDAP member?
FDAP is the only professional registration body for drug and alcohol workers and now that it’s under the SMMGP umbrella, there is access to expert guidance and high quality CPD via the SMMGP Premium Membership programme – all included in the FDAP membership fee.
With affiliation to several universities that offer addiction graduate courses such as London South Bank University, Bath and University of West London, FDAP’s assessment board is drawn from senior lecturers and course leaders. We offer affiliate membership to providers, with benefits to nominated employees, and all FDAP members benefit from discounts on conferences and access to training.
FDAP offers a range of specialist accreditation. The National Counsellor Accreditation Certificate (NCAC) is for counsellors who work with people who are using alcohol and other drugs problematically, as well as other behavioural addictions; the Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate provides a competence-based certification for alcohol and drug workers, including volunteers; while the Drug and Alcohol Family Worker certificate (with Adfam) is designed for practitioners who work with families affected by addiction.
We are proud of the strides that we have made to upgrade FDAP and keep our members happy. The professional body was established, and continues, to uphold standards of competency and professionalism specific to our sector.
We invite you to visit our new website and browse what’s on offer: