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‘Cheap and easy’ synthetic drugs transforming markets, says UNODC
[…] already a major producer of methamphetamine. There are also signs that the war in Ukraine – which has already displaced some traditional trafficking routes for heroin and cocaine – could be triggering an expansion in the manufacture of synthetic drugs in the region. For the first time latest trends are available in an interactive, […]
Female Friendly
[…] long, and the data presents a worrying picture. Drug-related deaths among women have been increasing for more than ten successive years – for example there were 195 cocaine deaths in 2021 compared to 19 in 2010. Learning from research, sharing practice through the Women’s Treatment Working Group and hearing what the women who come […]
Harm Reduction Information Hub for North Yorkshire
[…] www.drinkdrughub.co.uk, presents an extensive but easy to use database of articles, videos and fact sheets. Resources cover everything from alcohol and prescription medications to illicit drugs like cocaine and heroin. Anyone in North Yorkshire can also attend free training or awareness events, and practitioners can discover learning opportunities provided by other agencies across our […]
[…] ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Crew Specialists in Cannabis, Cocaine, Ecstasy, New Psychoactive Substances, Legal Highs & other psychostimulants, award-winning Crew trains hundreds of professionals yearly from police to peer educators. Crew training is in demand because we provide real & current knowledge from working within youth and drug using communities and success- fully bridging cultural gaps. Our experience from our peer education, expert witness, counselling, research and outreach work informs policy and supports Alcohol and Drug Partnerships country- wide, and it can inform and support you too. Build your team's understanding and usable skills with enjoyable and properly evaluated learning on substances, substance use or best practice in peer education. Please contact for a […]
Government pledges housing support cash for areas most in need
[…] 2008-09. Around half of all young people in treatment had issues with alcohol, while almost 90 per cent reported problems with cannabis. Problems with ecstasy and powder cocaine stood at 8 per cent each, while the number of young people seeking help for heroin was below 0.5 per cent. Young people’s substance misuse: treatment […]
Number of people in alcohol treatment up by 10 per cent
[…] previous year. The number of adults entering treatment was 133,704, which was relatively unchanged from the previous two years. The number of people starting treatment for powder cocaine was up by 11 per cent to 21,298 – slightly below 2019-20’s peak figure of 21,396 – while the number entering treatment for crack was at […]
Ecstasy use halved during pandemic
[…] to 4.7 per cent. The reduced rates of use were likely the result of restrictions on social contact during the COVID-19 pandemic, says ONS, although rates of cocaine use were unchanged. Just over 9 per cent of all adults and almost 19 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds reported last-year use of any drug […]
Sharing the Love
[…] the balance of harm reduction, treatment and recovery and the sharp increase in drug-related deaths ‘comes back to abandoning harm reduction’. The purity of drugs had increased, cocaine-related deaths had risen significantly, and Dame Carol Black’s review showed that ‘money alone will not fix this’. ‘We have to redesign services to make them more […]
A Nose for Duty
[…] from the Inspectorate, for which they must have completed searches of a minimum of 30 people, and the development training is ongoing. They learn to search for cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, cannabis and NPS (mainly spice). Watching the dogs and handlers train together demonstrates the remarkable bond between the two. Afterwards, while the dogs are […]
Welsh drug deaths up by almost half
[…] they are more than five times more likely to occur in those living in the most deprived areas in Wales compared to the least deprived.’ Deaths involving cocaine had more than doubled over the last five years, he added, while the increase in deaths involving benzodiazepines was also concerning. ‘Wales operates a number of […]
Favourable conditions
[…] to play on, lots to eat, lots of other rats to play with or breed with. When those rats were exposed to water laced with heroin or cocaine, as per Bruce Alexander’s experiment in the 1970s, they almost never used it, compared to the experiment using a single rat left alone, with no rat […]
Getting real
[…] of remaining hydrated – a particular feature of dance drug use. In this context, ketamine appeared to be an almost dream drug that managed to offer the cocaine-like stimulation, the opiate-like calming, and the cannabis-like imagery, while at the same time providing a full-on dissociative and hallucinogenic experience, with no apparent disadvantages or collateral […]
Scotland sees slight fall in drug-related deaths
[…] just 191 in 2015 – an increase mostly driven by ‘street benzos’ like etizolam, says NRS. Gabapentin and/or pregabalin were implicated in just under 475 deaths, and cocaine in more than 400. David Liddell: Statistics represent ‘ongoing systemic failure’ The statistics were a ‘record of personal, community and national loss,’ said Scottish Drugs Forum […]
Almost half of MDMA sold at festivals last year was fake
[…] using less ecstasy since the beginning of the pandemic (https://www.drinkanddrugsnews.com/europeans-using-more-cannabis-since-pandemic/). There have also been reports of traffickers into the UK focusing on smuggling more lucrative drugs like cocaine and heroin, for which the penalties are the same as the class A MDMA. The Loop recently launched the UK’s first ever Home Office-licensed drug testing […]
British Columbia launches ‘healthcare over handcuffs’ decriminalisation experiment
[…] seized, with police instead offering information on treatment and other support ‘with referrals when requested’. The exemption will cover opioids including heroin and fentanyl, powder and crack cocaine, MDMA and methamphetamine. It will still be illegal to possess the drugs in schools, childcare facilities or airports, however, and the province will work with health […]
Scotland sees fall in injecting levels
[…] that has been largely unchanged since the start of the decade but is around a third of the level reported in 2006-07. The proportion of people reporting cocaine as their main drug, meanwhile, was 18 per cent, a percentage that has ‘increased sharply’ since 2015-16, albeit with a slight fall after 2019-20. Around two […]
US drug deaths up by 15 per cent
[…] compared to just over 70,000 in 2020. There were more than 71,000 deaths involving fentanyl, as well as almost 33,000 involving methamphetamine and just over 24,500 involving cocaine – all up on the previous year – with overdose deaths increasing in every US state except Hawaii. The Biden administration recently launched its first drug strategy, […]
[…] countries have a lower level of contact with drug treatment services than either Sweden, known for its zero tolerance drug policies, or the UK, where heroin and cocaine attract the highest criminal justice penalty. On the basis of these data it would appear that there is no simple association between restrictive drug laws and […]
[…] countries have a lower level of contact with drug treatment services than either Sweden, known for its zero tolerance drug policies, or the UK, where heroin and cocaine attract the highest criminal justice penalty. On the basis of these data it would appear that there is no simple association between restrictive drug laws and […]
Healthy exchange
[…] were stable, although four times higher in London than elsewhere in England and Wales, and there had been spikes in transmission of HIV, probably related to crack cocaine and increased risk behaviour. Needle and syringe sharing had declined overall, but the changing patterns could increase risk among different populations, so it was important to […]
A New Model
[…] illegal drugs combined. ‘If you’re going to argue – as many bright people have – that we should have corporations like the tobacco industry sell methamphetamine and cocaine, you should explain why those drugs wouldn’t then be up there at the top of that list.’ Reducing demand In terms of reducing demand, while it […]
The Losing Hand
[…] clinics (see news, page 5 ). Ritchie had started gambling while at school, using his dinner money to play on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBT), dubbed the ‘crack cocaine of gambling’. Just seven years later he took his own life, with his parents arguing that he was addicted to ‘products licensed by the start’. Last […]
Crunch time
[…] help’, he said. It was important to ‘not lose too much sleep’ over the launch’s punitive framing and instead ‘focus on the good stuff’. Talk of middle-class cocaine use might have accounted for much of the media coverage, but ‘if you look at the money there’s about £5m committed to that, and £700m on […]
Out of Harm’s Way
[…] people close to me with their challenges around substance misuse. This was particularly driven by the arrival of cheap brown powder heroin in the ’80s and crack cocaine in the ’90s. My thoughts and feelings about drug and alcohol treatment at that time included anger and frustration, and of course compassion for the people […]
Europeans using more cannabis since pandemic
[…] help paint a more detailed, realistic and timely picture of drug use and drug markets’, says EMCDDA. The most commonly used drugs after cannabis were MDMA and cocaine (35 per cent of respondents in each case), followed by amphetamines (28 per cent), LSD (20 per cent), NPS (16 per cent) and ketamine (13 per […]
Government announces ‘largest ever’ increase in treatment funding
[…] possible.’ Statement from André Gomes, Laura Garius, Kirstie Douse and Claire Robbins, Release ‘The strategy rightly recognises that half of people dependent on opiates and crack cocaine are not in treatment, and that drug addiction co-occurs with a range of health inequalities, especially mental health issues, homelessness, and deprivation. Investment in improving the […]
Safe as houses
[…] well with primary healthcare services during times of crisis. For now, James is doing very well. He has drawn strength from the peer support he finds in Cocaine Anonymous meetings, having a sponsor, studying the ‘big book’ and talking with others who share his experiences and can offer him support. He has recently completed […]
Deaths in treatment up by almost 30 per cent
[…] for problems with opiates, and almost 30 per cent for alcohol. Unlike previous years there was a fall in the number of people entering treatment for crack cocaine, used either with or without opiates, with the number at its lowest level since 2016-17. There was a 5 per cent increase in people entering treatment […]
Just 25 per cent think regular cannabis use is ‘very harmful’
[…] criminal matter, however, compared to a third of over-65s. People were also asked to class the substances in terms of their impact on wider society, with crack cocaine and heroin considered the most harmful and nitrous oxide and cannabis the least. The figures ‘highlight the extent to which the government’s rhetoric and policies are […]
Media Savvy
[…] psychological problems as a result of substance misuse, who prostitute themselves or steal to maintain their habit, who sacrifice families and prospects upon the altar of cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and heroin, who keep the dealers in business including those at the school gates. Ann Widdecombe, Express, 21 August If you hit hard times, the […]
PHE issues warning after sharp rise in overdoses
[…] extra cautious about new suppliers and to make sure they have more naloxone with them than usual. It had also received earlier anecdotal information about possible crack cocaine contamination, it said. ‘We are urging drug users to be extra careful following reports of a sharp rise in the number of overdoses potentially connected to […]
Black people six times more likely to be stopped and searched for drugs
[…] more than twice as likely to be charged if any drugs are found, it says. In 2009/10, 78 per cent of black people caught in possession of cocaine by the Metropolitan Police were charged and 22 per cent given cautions, while among white people 56 per cent were given cautions and just 44 per cent […]
We’ll publish drug strategy by end of the year, government says
[…] the meantime the government has announced that it will encourage an increase in the use of drug testing on arrest in a number of police forces, where cocaine or opiates are ‘suspected’ to have contributed to the offence. There will also be ‘clear and meaningful consequences for all those who misuse drugs’, it says, […]
DDN July_August2021
[…] mental health needs. Opiate substitute stabilisation, with alcohol detox where indicated Methadone to buprenorphine switching, including from high-doses of methadone Methadone to long-acting opioid transfer GBL/GHB detoxificationCrack/ Cocaine detoxificationKetamine detoxificationSynthetic cannabinoids detoxification As well as alcohol and opioid detoxification, our service provides: BROOK DRIVE To find out more call us today on 020 7820 […]
Cannabis four times stronger than 25 years ago
[…] document states that drug markets ‘swiftly resumed operations’ after the initial disruption caused by COVID-19, demonstrating traffickers’ ‘ability to adapt quickly to changed environments and circumstances’. Diversified cocaine supply chains into Europe were ‘pushing prices down and quality up’, it added, while major online ‘dark web’ drug markets were now worth upwards of $315m […]
Government consults on proposals for new drug-driving offences
[…] drivers who had taken ‘properly prescribed’ medicines would not be penalised. The consultation sets out a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to driving under the influence of cannabis, MDMA, cocaine, ketamine, LSD, methamphetamine, benzoylecgonine, heroin and diamorphine, with limits set at the ‘lowest level at which a valid and reliable analytical level can be obtained’ but […]
DDN March2021
[…] at least once by the age odf 17, according to research by UCLbs Centre for Longitudinal Studies, while 10 per cent have tried drugs such ads MDMA, cocaine, LSD and amphetamines. More than half of 17-dyear-olds said they had engaged in binged drinking while 13 pder cent reported regular drinking, defined as six or […]
Young people’s drug use could be 20 per cent higher than estimated
[…] of Bristol researchers matched data from questionnaires conducted when participants were 24 to corresponding national data and found that differences in lifetime use of cannabis and powder cocaine between the two was 23.2 per cent and 16.9 per cent respectively. Researchers also found that while just over 32 per cent of participants to the […]
Review of the year 2020
[…] US presidential election also sees a ‘monumental victory’ for drug policy reform as Oregon votes in favour of decriminalising personal possession of all drugs, including heroin and cocaine. A year on from the launch of Middlesbrough’s heroin-assisted treatment pilot, clinical team lead Daniel Ahmed hails its ‘dramatic impact’, with 98 per cent attendance rates […]
Another record high for Scots drug deaths
[…] total, a higher rate than any previous year. Street benzodiazepines were implicated in 64 per cent of the deaths, gabapentin and/or pregabalin in 35 per cent and cocaine in 29 per cent, again all more than in any previous year. Scottish Drugs Forum CEO David Liddell The statistics were a ‘grievous reminder of the […]
Home secretary ‘minded to’ explicitly exempt poppers from Psychoactive Substances Act
[…] April 2016, page 4). A 2018 Court of Appeal ruling, however, stated that substances that only have an indirect psychoactive effect could still be covered by the legislation. The home secretary’s letter also seeks the ACMD’s advice on the drivers of increasing powder cocaine use among young people and drug sales on the ‘dark net’.
Bill Nelles – Doctor Wars (part one)
[…] ’70s to mid ’80s brought together psychiatrists who hated prescribing, some of the private doctors who could still prescribe some opiates and opioids (but not heroin or cocaine), and the very few doctors who did still prescribe injectables to the few. They were often vicious and sometimes very personal – some moderating influence came […]
Doorstep Challenge
[…] and Crime Commissioner, explained. The office had begun by looking at the scale of the drug problem in the region, with the cost of heroin and crack cocaine users calculated as £1.4bn and the cost of crime committed by the average heroin or crack user as £26,000. A drug policy summit had involved the […]
[…] problem in this country at the moment. Crystal meth, a derivative of amphetamine, is a potent drug when smoked, and gives an intense ‘rush’ similar to crack cocaine. It can be highly addictive, and is associated with psychotic behaviour. The ACMD’s advice, which was supported by the Association of Chief Police Officers of England, […]
[…] being spent by the Welsh Assembly Government on maintenance and drug reduction services, compared to £15,000 on keeping individuals off drugs for life’. Former heroin and crack cocaine user Andy Bond joined Ms Strydom in fearing that drug dealers could use the machines to get more people hooked. ‘They could be used to encourage […]
Harm Reduction International Conference
[…] poor are staying poor.’ West Africa had become a drug trafficking hub, and although less than 0.5 per cent of Africans had reported use of heroin or cocaine, there was increasing availability of both, along with amphetamine-type substances, he stated. There were also significant levels of injecting reported in Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa and […]
UN highlights ‘alarming’ rise in new drugs
[…] users of one or another illicit substances,’ the report states. Opiate use has remained stable, says the document, with heroin use apparently declining in Europe, while the cocaine market is expanding in South America and in Asia’s emerging economies. Around 1.6m people who inject drugs are estimated to be living with HIV, and there […]
UN highlights ‘alarming’ rise in new drugs
[…] users of one or another illicit substances,’ the report states. Opiate use has remained stable, says the document, with heroin use apparently declining in Europe, while the cocaine market is expanding in South America and in Asia’s emerging economies. Around 1.6m people who inject drugs are estimated to be living with HIV, and there […]
[…] any change that is contemplated, the person has his/her own set of pros and cons for both the current (egcocaine use) and the new behaviour (abstinence from cocaine). The resulting decisional balance will help the person take action or not. The second of these markers of change concerns the strength of a person’s perceived […]
[…] Like many market towns, Bur y and Newmarket have ver y strong night time economies, with all the attendant problems of alcohol misuse, and anecdotal evidence suggests cocaine use is on the rise. There is also a growing heroin problem. ‘It used to be that you couldn’t get heroin in Bur y, but that’s […]
Counsellor Acorn House 2 days
[…] Knowledge and Skills 4. An excellent understanding o f the complex needs and problems that confront those with a history of problematic substance misuse including crack cocaine (DANOS Unit AB2) 5. Knowledge and ability to plan, deliver and evaluate group work with substance users. (DANOS Unit AI3) 6. Ab le to […]
Brighton considers ‘consumption rooms’
[…] commission coming back to look at what has been taken up in 12 months time,’ a council spokesperson told DDN. There are around 2,000 problem heroin and cocaine users in the city, according to the commission, with almost 1,500 people attending drug treatment services in Brighton in 2011-12. ‘We have a relatively high number […]
Brighton to consider ‘consumption rooms’
[…] urges that young people’s services be separate, so that younger users ‘don’t have to mix with older, more established users’. There are around 2,000 problem heroin and cocaine users in the city, according to the commission, with almost 1,500 people attended drug treatment services in Brighton in 2011-12. ‘We have a relatively high number […]
[…] underlying causes of ADHD type behaviours remaining untreated and so increasing the risk of self- medication with food, alcohol or drugs. For some, drugs like caffeine, nicotine, cocaine and amphetamine enable them to focus and follow through on tasks and goals. Others use drugs like alcohol and cannabis to soothe overactive ‘alarm response’ and […]
[…] per cent increase on 2007 and the highest number since 2001 – according to Health statistics quarterly. The figures include both illegal and legal drugs. Deaths involving cocaine had rise by 20 per cent since 2007 to 235, while 897 related to heroin or morphine, an 8 per cent increase and again the highest […]
Nothing to declare
[…] Brian had been involved in the IRA and had a house with floorboards full of drugs and guns. When Nick introduced me, Brian had a pile of cocaine in front of him and was paranoid that the terrorist squad was watching his house. I thought it was all front. I would learn that there […]
Inner Strength
[…] cent have committed non-violent offences.’ Links were made between crime and drug-related issues, with the claim that ‘over half of women in prison report having used heroin, cocaine or crack in the four weeks prior to entry.’ The Prison Reform Trust advocated treating prisoners and their families with ‘humanity and respect,’ and Earle described […]
Heroin deaths continue to fall
[…] to 31 per cent between 2010 and 2011, while deaths involving other opiates including prescription painkillers rose by six per cent to 28 per cent. Deaths involving cocaine rose from 8.7 to 9.2 per cent of the total and amphetamines from 2.9 to 3.7 per cent. The report covers deaths that have been formally […]
I am a…
[…] almost ten years’ experience in this field. However, following the loss of a role that I loved, I had a cataclysmic relapse. Back in the whirlpool of cocaine and alcohol addiction, I very nearly died. With the support of my father, I re-engaged with the local drug and alcohol service in February 2020. I […]
June Letters and Comment
[…] taking it orally wasn’t working quickly enough. When my prescription was abruptly cut off I went into withdrawals and ended up swapping to injecting heroin and crack cocaine. After getting myself clean I decided to start a blog to help those who are in my previous shoes and the family and friends of those […]