LIVINGSTONE HOUSE WAS FOUNDED BACK IN 2001 by the now much loved and highly respected Sally Livingstone from Birmingham.
Its purpose was to help those suffering with addiction to drugs and alcohol, and their families, and to help them address their addictive behaviours.

Sally had come to realise, through her personal experiences of addiction, that there is far more to address in working with those affected than just detoxing them.
So now Livingstone House specialises in treating addictive behaviours – changing the thinking, which changes the behaviour and addresses the obsessive-compulsive disorders that lead to active and habit-forming addictions. The dedicated team worked tirelessly to give vulnerable people hope, encouragement and support – in short, to show them it’s possible to achieve anything if we only have the willingness!
That work started 18 years ago and continues to this day, right in the heart of the country. From its very humble beginnings, Livingstone House has been based in Birmingham. It’s a CQC- registered residential drug and alcohol treatment centre that provides a comprehensive and holistic programme for adult males aged between 18 and 64.
The residential units comprise detox, primary care, secondary care and re-entry into society phase, through a 12-step approach to the management and treatment of addictive behaviour. They are abstinence based and offer recovery from active addiction. The aim is to provide residents with a full range of life skills and knowledge to arrest their addictions and embrace their new way of living drug and alcohol free.

By the end of the programme, through group and one-to-one work with the highly trained and experienced multi-disciplined team, residents will have a greater awareness and understanding of the nature of their addictions. Regular attendance at AA and NA meetings helps strengthen their recovery foundations and highly important family support services also play a key part in each individual service user’s programme of recovery. There is also plenty to do and enjoy as a resident at Livingstone House, from weekly gym sessions, football, and other sports activities, to relaxing at the cinema, going bowling and for meals out, as well as the therapeutic benefits of the countryside and coastal walking days. You can also take part in group relaxation, mindfulness and meditation sessions, art and music classes and gardening and building projects.
Each person is treated as an individual at Livingstone House. You can self-refer or ask your doctor or social care/health professional to call for you. Local authority, NHS, local and national service provider contracts are all undertaken.
If you have a drug and/or alcohol problem, need detox and/or rehabilitation, are struggling with a family member trapped in addiction, or are in need of some supportive friendly advice, just give their team of specialists a call on 0121 753 4448 (24 hours).
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