Public Health Scotland issues warning after increase in ‘sudden’ overdoses

Public Health Scotland issues warning after increase in ‘sudden’ overdoses
A ‘nitazene-type opioid’ has been identified in some samples linked to the overdoses

Public Health Scotland (PHS) is urging caution after the recent increase in overdoses – some fatal – among people using heroin. Some of these have been characterised by ‘sudden and rapid collapse’, the agency states, often requiring multiple doses of naloxone to reverse the overdose.

A ‘nitazene-type opioid’ has already been identified in some heroin samples linked to the overdoses, says PHS, with more testing needed to determine the specific type. The overdoes have occurred ‘across Scotland in multiple areas’, the agency warns, with the nature of the country’s drug supply meaning that people in all areas may be at risk of increased harm. January’s quarterly RADAR (Rapid Action Drug Alerts and Response) report from PHS found the drug supply throughout the country remained ‘highly toxic and unpredictable’.

‘We are very concerned about the presence of synthetic drugs like nitazenes within the unregulated drugs market across Scotland,’ said PHS consultant in public health medicine Dr Tara Shivaji. ‘Nitazenes are potent opioid drugs, which can be many times stronger than heroin and other common opioids such as morphine. This means even a small amount poses an increased risk of overdose or death. There are ways to reduce the risk of overdose when taking drugs, but there is no safe way to take nitazenes.’

‘We are keen that people who use drugs and their families and friends are aware of the risk, and what they can do to reduce that risk,’ added Scottish Drugs Forum CEO Kirsten Horsburgh. ‘There is nothing unique here in terms of what can be done. Please try to avoid using alone and make sure naloxone is available. Make sure you know how to recognise a possible overdose and what you can do to help. In the absence of local drug checking services, we would encourage people to send samples to WEDINOS. Staff in services in contact with people who use drugs can raise awareness of our shared concern and what people can do to protect themselves and others.’

Meanwhile, alcohol-specific deaths in Wales were up by almost 16 per cent in 2023
Meanwhile, alcohol-specific deaths in Wales were up by almost 16 per cent in 2023

Meanwhile, alcohol-specific deaths in Wales were up by almost 16 per cent in 2023, to 562, according to the latest figures from Public Health Wales. Two thirds of the deaths were among men. There were also more than 12,000 alcohol-specific hospital admissions, almost 70 per cent of which were among people aged 50 and above. People in the country’s most deprived areas were nearly three times more likely to be admitted for alcohol-specific conditions than those from the least deprived, the agency adds.

‘This report highlights the stark health inequalities in Wales, showing that individuals in the most deprived areas are disproportionately affected by alcohol-related issues,’ said public health consultant Helen Erswell. ‘It underscores the vital need for investment in prevention-focused initiatives that can reduce future health risks, ultimately supporting longer, healthier lives for everyone in Wales.’

Data mining Wales: the annual profile for substance misuse 2023-24 available here

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