A compendium of specialist alcohol and other substance services for people in minority ethnic groups or migrant communities has been launched by Manchester Metropolitan University in partnership with OHID.
The document was compiled via extensive online searches and through social media, with the team keen to ensure that peer-led services were included. Follow-up calls were then made to government bodies and other services. Available as an Excel spreadsheet, the compendium covers the entire UK and includes the specific cultural focus of each service and details of the support provided, along with referral pathways, contact details and costs, if applicable.
‘To my knowledge the compendium is the first of its kind,’ says Professor Sarah Galvani, professor of social research and substance use at Manchester Metropolitan University. ‘The uncomfortable reality is that there is very little out there. We are happy to share it and we would also be delighted to hear from anyone we have missed out or whose details are wrong.’
Compendium available here
Contact S.Galvani@mmu.ac.uk