February 22, 2024
Mon, 18 Mar 2024
10:00am - 1pm
In this 3-hour event, we will explore how Alcohol Assertive Outreach Treatment (AAOT) can help alleviate some of the social, health and economic pressures in this area by offering a creative and flexible approach to engaging and treating patients who might otherwise be readmitted to an acute hospital ward. This event is hosted by the NIHR Mental Health Implementation Network.
Who should attend?
Commissioners and policymakers working in local government, health and social care, including Voluntary and Community Sector organisations
Clinicians, practitioners, and researchers working in substance use, mental health and multiple complex needs
People with lived experience of these co-occurring health issues, their carers, and advocates for person-centred health support in general
Anyone interested in hearing about innovative approaches to tackling multimorbidity within groups often underserved by the health system.