Making better choices with Choices Rehabs

Choices’ Treatment Loop offers clients the best chance of success.

Choices RehabsAs we all know, things can happen whilst someone is progressing through their treatment at any residential addiction rehabilitation centre that might make their stay untenable in that environment. Choices members all want every client to be able to get a life in recovery, so they have developed a treatment loop between their members.

At Choices, we’re committed to trying to ensure every client receives continuous, comprehensive care through­ out their recovery journey. The Treatment Loop is our innovative approach to providing seamless transitions between treatment stages or rehab centres within our network, trying to make sure no one is left without support at any step.

When clients require specialised care or a new environment to continue their journey, Choices Rehabs can cross­-refer to ensure they receive the right level of treatment. This loop ensures continuity and consistency, so clients can move smoothly from one stage of recovery to the next, surrounded by skilled professionals and supportive services at every step.

The Choices Rehabs Treatment Loop is a unique service that means anyone referred has the opportunity to move to another setting to continue their recovery through cooperation across members.

Choices Treatment LoopHOW DOES IT WORK?
If a client is unable to remain in the original Choices residential rehabilitation centre and wants to continue with their treatment, a request is made to the referring care manager to ask if they would like a treatment loop to be requested across the Choices network. If the client and care manager are in agreement, a request to all Choices members is made.

All Choices members are contacted and if anyone can offer a treatment loop then they reach out to the originating Choices member. The main considerations are availability of the right bed space and the suitability of the client to that establishment.

Often the client is greatly relieved that they are able to get a treatment loop with another Choices member, that remains funded for the balance of their original treatment time. The Choices members and the care manager then coordinate all the paperwork that is required and the client travels from one Choices member to the other. The client is then able to complete their programme and enter a life free from addiction, with one incident not putting it all in jeopardy.

The Choices Treatment Loop is there to help someone remain on their treatment and recovery journey. If a treatment loop can be facilitated, the outcome can be very successful – and more likely than if that individual left their residential recovery journey part way through.

The Treatment Loop at Choices was developed to give clients the best chance of success if they had done something that meant they could not stay where they were receiving treatment. As long as the incident is regretted, and they are committed to getting into recovery, this gives them the best chance of success and draws a line under the incident triggering the need for a loop. It also allows for the establishment making the loop to maintain its boundaries and professionalism with its cohort of clients, past, present and future.

We are always open to new members – there are criteria, but if you are interested in understanding more about being part of Choices, please contact us through our website.

Choices members treatment loop

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DDN Rehab Guide 2025

Rehab spotlights

Finding the appropriate treatment option can be challenging.

In partnership with rehab facilities across the UK, we have created ‘spotlights’ that provide information about the services they offer to help you make an informed decision for yourself, your client, or your loved one.

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