A new service to provide support for young people with drug or alcohol issues is set to be launched across North Yorkshire.

The service, commissioned by North Yorkshire County Council and delivered by national charity Humankind, is aimed at reaching young people aged 18 and under (and 19 – 24 with special educational needs and disabilities) who need support around drugs and alcohol.
Damien Frain, young peoples and families manager at Humankind said: “It’s great news that North Yorkshire County Council has committed to invest in a high quality young people’s support service.
“We look forward to delivering this service to ensure that young people across North Yorkshire have access to help and advice around drugs, alcohol and associated support needs. We will work closely with the adult North Yorkshire Horizons service to ensure seamless links for pathways into treatment when they reach 18 years of age where appropriate.”
Read the full blog post here.
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This content was created by Humankind