A new Commission on Alcohol Harm has been launched with a call for written evidence. The commission has been established in the absence of an up-to-date alcohol strategy for the UK, says the Alcohol Health Alliance.
The commission will hold three oral evidence sessions later in the year, with written submissions welcome before 17 February. It is looking for evidence from professionals, charities, researchers and anyone affected by alcohol personally or in their family or professional life. Alcohol now represents 10 per cent of the UK burden of disease and death, states the alliance, making it one of the country’s three biggest lifestyle risk factors.

‘We need to have voices representing the wide range of experiences of alcohol harm, including those on the frontline, researchers and those with first hand experience of alcohol harm,’ said alliance chair Professor Sir Ian Gilmore. ‘Together we can build a solid case for change.’
‘Alcohol plays a huge part of the everyday lives of many people across the UK, and therefore it is important to examine its impact on our society more closely,’ added commission chair Baroness Finlay of Llandaff. ‘We need to understand how our drinking habits affect our own health as well as the way alcohol can affect those around us. We welcome the input of those who face the effects of alcohol harm in their professional or personal lives in order to help us make meaningful recommendations on a vision for the future.’
Submit written evidence to harms_commission@ahauk.org by 17 February. Submission guidelines at http://ahauk.org/commission