Acorn Transformational Counselling service will be offering free sessions to those currently in recovery for drug and alcohol addiction.

For those leaving supported housing or residential and community rehabilitation services, the pandemic is proving particularly challenging with access to traditional support services currently limited. There have been several warnings of a rise in relapse across the country, following the additional pressures of lockdown.

Acorn Transformational Counselling will be providing 150 hours of free support to approximately 30 individuals following funding from the Morrison’s Foundation.
Ordinarily, these individuals would be attending mutual aid groups, meeting with their peer support networks and accessing a range of community services to maintain their recovery. With the availability of these support networks currently subject to local restrictions, there has been growing concern around potential relapse.
Addiction rehabilitation service Acorn Recovery Projects will refer a number of their former clients for the free counselling service. Staff at Acorn have seen a steep rise in requests for additional support with over half of clients expressing concerns about relapse.
In isolation clients can often become demotivated and begin to think negatively about themselves and their futures. This often leads to poor mental health and lack of self-worth, both of which are key contributors to relapse. Based on Acorn’s experience, this may have wider ramifications as relapse has previously led to a greatly increased risk of people losing their tenancies and becoming homeless.
Each former Acorn client will be offered up to five one-hour motivational counselling sessions. People will be able to safely access the sessions remotely via video call or instant messaging.
‘I’m extremely grateful to the Morrison’s Foundation for making this level of support possible. With access to traditional support networks currently limited, the free counselling sessions on offer could be a vital lifeline for recovering addicts.’ Stephen Pattinson, head of Acorn Transformational Counselling.
‘This vital motivational support from Transformational Counselling is a huge boost for us and our clients. It is imperative, now more than ever, that individuals are given the best opportunity to cement themselves in recovery. Ongoing support has, and always will be, a vital component for long-term abstinence.’ Peter Taylor, Manchester service manager, Acorn Recovery Projects.
Acorn Transformational Counselling service is also available to client to purchase, with reduced rates available to people on benefits. Contact Stephen on 07749167868 or email spattinson@acornrecovery.
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