Advances in opioid substitution treatment: life-changing outcomes and experiences

Advances in opioid substitution treatment: life-changing outcomes and experiences
Advances in opioid substitution treatment: life-changing outcomes and experiences

Advances in opioid substitution treatment: life-changing outcomes and experiences

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Join our engaging and interactive event to learn about Via’s history of using long-acting buprenorphine and the impact that long-acting buprenorphine has on the outcomes and experiences of the people that we support.

Hear from experts at Via and our partners at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), who we worked collaboratively with on this research study, as well as the view from commissioners of drug and alcohol services and those people with lived experience.

Conference agenda

10.00-10.30 Refreshments

10.30-10.40 Welcome and introductions

10.40-10.55 Exploring Via’s history of using long-acting buprenorphine

10.55-11.40 RESEARCH FINDINGS: what are the predictors of Via service user engagement with long-acting buprenorphine and do their outcomes differ to those prescribed oral OST?

Presented by:
Professor Yasir Abbasi (Executive Medical Director at Via)
Professor Cathy Montgomery (Reader in Psychopharmacology at LJMU)
Devon De Silva (Innovation and Research Unit Manager at Via)

11.40-12.00 Tea break

12.00-12.30 PANEL SESSION: including people with lived experience, clinicians, commissioners and researchers

12.30-1.00 Q&A and closing remarks

1.00-2.00 Lunch

2.00-2.30 End of event


Date And Time

10-04-2025 @ 10:30

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