Adfam Forum: Kinship Care and Substance Use
Adfam’s online forum events are open to anyone with an interest in supporting families affected by substance use, shining a light on key interrelated issues and topics.
Join us at our latest event on Monday 10th March 2025 where we will be renewing our focus on the needs of kinship care families affected by substance misuse.
Kinship carers play a vital role in society caring for children that are unable to live with their birth parents. It is estimated kinship carers raise more than 180,000 children across the UK. Many of these children are in kinship care as a result of parental substance use, often as part of informal arrangements put in place by families who rally round to help their loved one into and through treatment.
To explore this topic in more detail we are thrilled to be joined by the National Kinship Care Ambassador, Jahnine Davis, and Peterborough Kinship Carers Group facilitator, Sue Nash.
The National Kinship Care Ambassador will be talking about her role advocating for kinship children and carers across government and working directly with local authorities to improve services, while Sue will speak about her experiences of working with kinship families affected by substance use in Peterborough and the challenges they face.