There is support available to help young people cope with their emotional health in the Wakefield area.
As we head towards the Easter holidays, we think about the state of mental health amongst our young people who are deep in the midst of revision time in preparation for their exams next term. According to a new study from King’s College London, one in 13 young people in the UK have a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by the time they reach the age 18. 31% who had experienced trauma during their childhood were twice as likely as their peers to have a mental health issue.
Shockingly only one in three young people with PTSD had spoken to their GP in the last year about their mental health, and just one in five had seen a mental health professional. One in four were not in training, education or employment at age 18 and half experienced social isolation or loneliness. Three in four of the young people with PTSD have another mental health condition at the age of 18, half has self-harmed and one in five had attempted suicide since age 12.
The original article was created by Turning Point and is available here.
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