‘From the moment I arrived I was surrounded by energy’
We wondered if it would ever happen – and then there we were, with everyone pouring through the doors of our first conference for three years. Overwhelming and exhilarating. In this issue
you’ll find all kinds of impressions of the day, but for me the highlights, alongside inspiring speakers and our team of amazing volunteers, were the connections – reunions, introductions, endless possibilities for working together and sharing ideas.
Read reports from the conference in the July/August DDN Magazine
More pictures, presentations, and conference footage coming shortly.

How amazing to see everyone in real life!
Loved seeing everyone and we really appreciate everyone’s efforts to get there during the rail strike.
Thank you SO much to our amazing speakers, exhibitors sponsors and to all of you who came and made the day special. Massive thanks to our volunteers who helped beyond measure.
Please post your photos on our Facebook page – we’d love to see them!
Lots more pics coming soon, plus video, speaker presentations and write-up of the day.
If you’d like to contribute your experiences of the conference to our special issue, please email them by 1 July! Send to claire@cjwellings.com

If you have booked a place, exhibition stand or group of delegates venue details, information for exhibition stands and the form for adding delegate names is here.
DDN Conference 2022 – travel update
We’re really excited about this year’s conference – the biggest best one ever! We want to put everyone’s mind at rest that the prospect of train strikes, just announced, will not affect it going ahead. The venue is on main road networks and has a large free car park and the vast majority of delegates and exhibitors drive to the event. If you were planning to travel by train we hope you have enough time to make alternative arrangements by coach or car. If you are driving and have space, please use #ddnconf to offer a lift – and if you need one, please use the same hashtag to ask! All together now… LET’S DO THIS!
Venue details, timings, and information for exhibitors is here
The Drink and Drugs News National Conference will be held on 23 June 2022 in Birmingham.
The event will bring people with lived experience, patient groups, treatment providers, members of the recovery community and policy makers together to strive to provide better, fairer treatment for all.
The conference regularly attracts in excess of 500 delegates from across the UK. Like the magazine, the conference creates an open forum for debate.
The large exhibition area gives scope for a vibrant networking forum that comprises a wide variety of stalls and information booths, surveys and academic research opportunities, meetings, therapies, sports taster events and a film festival.
See reports from previous events here
The programme
23 June 10am – 5pm
Policy presentations
Interactive sessions
Practical workshops
Learning opportunities
and much more….
Full details here

This is the must attend event of the year for services, local groups and individuals.
Individual delegate places are £75 for volunteers and people with lived experience or £135 for professionals. Price includes refreshments and the famous DDN Birmingham curry!
Individual tickets can be booked via credit card here.
If you would rather be invoiced please email ian@cjwellings.com Please title your email DDN Conference Tickets 2022 and please put your contact details, the amount of tickets required and the invoicing details in the body of the email (you don’t need to supply delegate names yet if you don’t have them). You will receive confirmation and an invoice within a couple of days.
The DDN event is best experienced as part of a group and we can offer reduced rates for group bookings from local peer-led organisations. Please contact ian@cjwellings.com 07711 950 300 for details.
If you have booked a place, exhibition stand or group of delegates venue details, information for exhibition stands and the form for adding delegate names is here.
Please use the button below to book individual tickets for the event. For group booking please contact ian@cjwellings.com 07711 950 300
Volunteers/people with lived experience £75
Professional places £125
all prices are plus vat
The DDN Exhibition
Be part of the vibrant exhibition area, showcase the services you provide, network with treatment providers, policy makers and people who use services and support this unique event.
Contact ian@cjwellings.com 07711 950 300 to find out how

At a glance
- Where? New Bingley Hall, Birmingham, B18 5PP. There is ample free parking and the venue is a short cab or bus ride away from Birmingham train stations.
- When? 23 June, 2022 10am – 4pm (registration from 9am)
- Who should come? People with lived experience, recovery groups, treatment providers, policymakers, commissioners, activists, suppliers. Everyone who is passionate about providing better, fairer treatment for all.
- What’s on? This is a chance to meet services, and community groups and share innovation and best practice. There will be a full programme of presentations, interactive sessions and learning activities as well as a large exhibition and networking area. Full programme here.
- How much? DDN is a free magazine and self-funds both the publication and the event. We make the ticket price as affordable as possible, and also offer free stands for groups attending. Individual delegate tickets are priced at £75 – £135 and are on sale here. Please contact ian@cjwellings.com to find out more about exhibitor and group bookings.
- Funding Most delegates are funded by their local service or attend as part of a group. In the first instance please contact your service provider to see if they will fund your place or if you can be part of their group. Dependent on sponsorship DDN might have some bursary places available, please get in touch if you are struggling to pay to attend.
- Exhibitor information The event is the perfect place to showcase your product, services, or demonstrate what is happening in your area. Please get in touch to find out more.
Contact ian@cjwellings.com 07711 950 300 for more details.