‘Listen to the messages from the frontline’

WHAT’S NORMAL RIGHT NOW? The last few weeks have been a white-knuckle ride for all of us, and we bring you this month’s DDN not really knowing what the next days and weeks will hold.
You will no doubt have enough to worry about at home and work but we hope that this edition will bring a sense of proportion to the task ahead. With so much beyond our control, we need to focus on essential priorities – which is where the clear protocols and sound harm-reduction practices are so useful. We have been so impressed by the swift initiatives to share action that will save lives.
In the rush to convert everything to a virtual working world, take time to listen to the messages from the frontline (page 10). You’re in this profession because you care, so please take heed of what’s not working well to iron out these bumps over the next few weeks.
We’re here to support you in any way we can, so let us know if you have good stuff to share, tricky issues to learn from, or better ways to communicate that we can let people know about and join in. We may be working from home but we’re throwing our energies into making sure we bring you the mag –and also put the DDN Conference back onto the stage as soon as we can safely do so.
Keep in touch – a hello goes a long way!
Keep in touch claire@cjwellings.com and @DDNmagazine
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