Celebrating 11 years of Roots: growing community, wellbeing, and recovery together

As we mark the 11th anniversary of SIG Penrose Roots, Service Manager, Samantha Smith, reflects on the incredible journey of this community-based project and the transformative impact it has had on the lives of so many. Here’s Samantha’s story in her own words.

Penrose RootsOn the 17th December 2012, I joined Penrose, coming from a background in the criminal justice sector. It was my first role on the ‘helping side’ of things, and what I noticed straight away was how grey and isolating life in a large town could be – especially for someone like me, raised in the countryside. The lack of green spaces stood out, as did the disconnection people felt from nature.

It wasn’t long before I observed another trend: many of our participants were creating crises just to have positive human contact. They often asked to meet outdoors, as many didn’t have access to their own garden. These interactions sparked conversations about the healing power of nature and the need for a communal green space. Around the same time, I saw a news story about a gardening project for a drug and alcohol service in Cambridge, and it planted a seed. I asked my manager, Gill, if I could start an allotment project for our members. In her typical supportive style, she said yes.

That’s how Roots began. We started small, loading up cars every Thursday with members and heading to a local allotment in Luton. In this nature-rich setting, the conversations were profound. We weren’t just gardening; we were nurturing wellbeing, reducing isolation, and fostering a deep sense of community. To sustain our project, we even helped other allotment holders in exchange for seeds, tools, or small donations.

A year later, we sought out a space of our own where we could grow the project. After months of searching, we found an unused allotment area on the outskirts of Luton – wildlife had overrun it, but we saw its potential. From there, with the help of amazing supporters like William and Peter, Roots blossomed.

SIG Penrose RootsNow, 11 years on, SIG Penrose Roots is a thriving Community-Based Recovery Service (CBRS). We have a team of 8 dedicated staff, over 90 members, and 5 different projects providing hundreds of kilograms of food to our members and the wider community. We offer 3,200 open hours of support per year, 6 days a week across Bedfordshire, and have become the ‘go-to’ provider for holistic support sought by external services.

SIG Penrose Roots is more than just a garden – it’s a space that fosters mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. We equip people with new skills, reduce social isolation, and offer a therapeutic growing space where our members, volunteers, and the wider community can thrive. We’re proud to support people with complex needs, from mental health challenges to social isolation, and we’ve even been recognised with awards for our innovative approach. We’re trusted by health commissioners and local authorities as a partner in providing vital recovery services.

Today, Penrose is one of the proud subsidiaries of Social Interest Group, and just as committed to promoting social change and supporting vulnerable individuals through various services as always. SIG Penrose Roots continues to be a flagship project under this umbrella, embodying the core values of holistic support, inclusion, and community building.

But more than any of our accolades, the true magic of SIG Penrose Roots lies in its sense of community. Words can’t quite capture the feeling – so I invite you to come visit and experience it for yourself. I challenge you not to feel the magic that we have been building for the past 11 years.

Thank you for being part of this journey.

Samantha Smith, Service Manager – SIG Penrose Roots

This blog was originally published by Social Interest Group. You can read the original post here.

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This content was created by Social Interest Group

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