Proudly treating addiction & transforming lives for over 50 years
Broadway Lodge is one of the leading and most respected abstinence-based addiction treatment centres in the UK.
Returning lives addiction has taken away
We know that the prospect of staying in rehab can feel daunting. But as the UK’s longest established abstinence-based addiction treatment centre, we understand addiction and how to treat it. We love what we do and we are passionate about helping people to begin a new journey in recovery.
Since 1974 our multidisciplinary team has helped to transform the lives of thousands of people, supporting them in their recovery from:
- Alcohol addiction
- Illicit drug addiction
- Prescription drug addiction
- Gambling addiction
- Sex addiction
- Gaming addiction
- Co-dependency
We work with clients compassionately using a wide range of interventions, counselling approaches and specialist treatments to help them to understand their addiction, address underlying causes, explore other presenting issues and to build confidence, self-worth and self-esteem along with healthy coping mechanisms for challenges faced.
Treatment philosophy
Broadway Lodge is a residential, abstinence-based and compassion focused treatment centre for adults. Clients are immersed in a programme that provides a healthy mix of challenge and support, enabling them to develop a daily routine and to improve mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Our comprehensive integrated treatment schedule includes one to one counselling, daily group therapy sessions, holistic therapies and psycho-educational lectures and workshops, not to mention the 24/7 medical and peer support. Clients begin to work through the 12 Steps too, which has supported millions of individuals across the globe to continue a beautiful process of change and growth for many years after treatment.
Clients work with counsellors both individually and in a group setting to explore their addictive behaviours and to address their underlying issues. Clients learn to develop healthy coping mechanisms in a safe environment, without resorting to alcohol, drugs or other harmful behaviours.
Referrals & admission
We accept referrals from individuals who self-fund their treatment and from drug and alcohol services who have secured funding for their service users. We also work with organisations who fund their employees’ treatment for addiction.
A stay at Broadway Lodge can be from two weeks up to six months. We recommend a 12 week stay as the ideal duration to gain a solid foundation to recovery.
Make a treatment enquiry today by:
Calling 01934 815515
Rehab spotlights
Finding the appropriate treatment option can be challenging.
In partnership with rehab facilities across the UK, we have created ‘spotlights’ that provide information about the services they offer to help you make an informed decision for yourself, your client, or your loved one.