Change Grow Live has published its Gender Pay Gap Report for 2022.
The people we exist to support are disproportionately affected by stigma, inequality, and prejudice. By taking action to make our society more equal and inclusive, we can make a real difference that is felt throughout our communities.
This difference can begin with the steps we take to improve our own organisation – including publishing our Gender Pay Gap Report for 2022, which you can read at the bottom of this page.
Understanding the gender pay gap
A gender pay gap is a measurement of the difference between men’s and women’s salaries within an organisation. It is different to equal pay which means men and women must be paid the same salary for the same work. This is a legal requirement and Change Grow Live complies with this legislation.
Reporting our gender pay gap is an annual legal requirement, but it is also an opportunity for us to learn and understand where we can make improvements that live up to our values of being open, compassionate and bold.
Our gender pay gap
A snapshot of our gender pay gap was taken on 5 April 2022 and our Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 was put together from the data collected.
Our gender pay gap by median average is 6.1% in favour of men, which is an increase of 2.9% since the same time last year.
There has been an increase in the gender pay gap, however there are clear signs that women have real opportunity for progression within Change Grow Live. We have seen an increase in the number of women employed in our senior roles.
Following a number of successful recruitment campaigns we have increased the number of women recruited in frontline roles. This his contributed to our gender pay gap.
Addressing our gender pay gap
Since we released our last Gender Pay Gap Report, we have taken a number of significant steps to address differences in pay including a significant cost of living award benefiting those on the lowest salaries. You can find out more in our Gender Pay Gap Report by following the link at the bottom of this page.
Throughout 2023 we will continue to build on the steps outlined in our Gender Pay Report and address the underlying causes of our gender wage gap.
Simone James, our Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, said, “Our values are being open bold and compassionate. We’re proud to be a transparent and a learning organisation.
We want to share our commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive organisation Publishing our gender pay gap, as well as ethnicity pay gap information going forward allows us not only to learn from our own data, but to share the actions we are implementing with those who work with us.”
We pride ourselves on being an organisation that believes in people, regardless of their gender and background. We will continue to listen, to learn, and to make sure that we are an employer of choice for anyone who wants to make a difference in people’s lives.
You can read the full report and its findings by following the link below:
This blog was originally published by Change Grow Live. You can read the original post here.
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This content was created by Change Grow Live