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What next for prison reform?

At a VolteFace event in London, journalist Philippa Budgen asked panelists: ‘How can we have meaningful prison reform with drug policies that aren’t working? What would be your messages for justice secretary Michael Gove?’


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Reasons to be cheerful

Paul Hayes is determinedly upbeat in the aftermath of Brexit



people places and things

Mark Reid reviews the play People, Places and things

‘People, Places and Things is an excellent look inside the world of a 12-step-style rehab…’



keith stevenson

View from the coalface

The work can be demanding and draining – so why do it? Keith Stevenson shares the highs and lows of working at the Mulberry Community Project



paul urmstonRecovery Capital

New government funding of £10m has just been awarded to drug and alcohol services ‘committed towards improving recovery outcomes’ across England – capital funding that was distributed by PHE via local authorities.



paul hayes

Voice on the stairwell

The launch of Collective Voice saw the group emphasising their commitment to service users.



Anne MarieGet real

Losing her daughter to an accidental overdose made Anne-Marie Cockburn determined to campaign for the realistic drugs education that could have saved Martha. She spoke powerfully to a recent meeting of the Drugs, Alcohol and Justice Parliamentary Group


red roseRed Rose Recovery

‘ I came to a DDN conference and thought, “I could do that”,’ Red Rose Recovery CEO Peter Yarwood told the conference’s closing session. ‘So I took that inspiration back to Lancashire and found people who believed in me.’



Chris Rintoul

Reach out 

Chris Rintoul reports positive results from a Northern Ireland naloxone programme



ColdChris Robin caller 

A craving is the salesperson we can choose to ignore, says Chris Robin



Shahroo Izadi

First impressions

The pressure to collect data from new clients should not replace essential rapport, says Shahroo Izadi



Richard Homer

The writing’s on the wall

Literacy issues can be a barrier to participant engagement and successful outcomes in substance misuse treatment programmes. Richard Homer explores the reasons why



Graham Marshall

The times they are a changin’

As Spitalfields Crypt Trust (SCT) celebrates 50 years of helping people in recovery, CEO Graham Marshall looks back at the changing landscape of addiction and recovery in East London





‘Difficult though the challenge of the emergence of new substances is proving, and whether or not you agree with the recent legislation, I feel that an opportunity has been missed to rename these substances…’ – Peter Young, Hampshire


Media savvy

Media savvy

The news, and the skews, in the national media…